Determining the Real Value in a Divorce

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There are many examples of how negotiations and settlement may conflict with mortgage rules and regulations and the benefit of integrating divorce mortgage planning into the divorce process. As a CDLP, I can help ensure the conclusion ends in the successful execution of the court orders bringing peace of mind and closure to both spouses.


"I am truly so grateful for Manya and the NEO Team for all they helped me with during my first home buying experience. I can't decide if I'm more impressed by how much Manya taught me along they or by how streamlined and easy she made the whole process for me. When I was closing on my house, the title officer let me know that I was getting an incredible rate from Manya and NEO. This was especially great to hear since the title officer sees so many loans from so many lenders. I will continue to work with NEO for further financial endeavors because I know I am in skilled hands that have my unique and best interests in mind! Thank you Manya and NEO for the life changing experience!"

carol elena w

"I am so impressed by Manya's ability to make this process incredibly straightforward and even fun! I had no idea it could be this way. I am truly grateful for her guidance throughout this experience!"

elena w

"The knowledge, skillfullness, and communication was just beyond. Thank you!!!"

margarita g